You Are Always There........
You are always there, somewhere, deep inside the recesses of my soul,
running through green fields, surrounded by butterfly's and warm sunshine.
You are always there, forever comforting me, forever quieting my fears,
sending dark clouds into oblivion and chasing away the darkness.
You are always there, never leaving me alone, never venturing far,
I can feel you behind me, beside me, within me, ever present and near.
You are always there, to share my hopes, my dreams, my life, and my love,
I see your light in my world, your warmth in my life, your love in my heart.
You are always there, laughing and joyous, with the innocence of a child,
incapable of hurt or of anger, always smiling and radiating your love.
You are always there, always here, always everywhere, always within me,
Never to be parted from me, in this life or another, or those yet to be.
I have known you and felt you there since before the world began, in the
mists of yesterday, the timelessness of tomorrow, always near, always here.
You will always be there, for you are part of me, my life, my world.
You are a mate to my soul, we are entwined, become one, never to part.
And there you will forever be, a part of me, always and forever within me,
and knowing that, my soul sighs and my heart smiles.......For I love you so.
For My Love
Mijn Lieveke
Valentine's Day 2001
Paul Gwynn
February 2001

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