Welcome to the Ring of Old World Culture information page. Unfortunately, due to many things, including the sheer lack of time available to Odin and his lovely Lady Gwynnevere, the webrings of Odin's Castle have been discontinued and were are, therefore, no longer taking members.
I sincerely apologize for this but we just do not have time to operate them anymore and I refuse to move them to Yahoo, etc., that required passwords, etc., just so they can collect info for SPAM and/or whatever other purposes they need it for. You will never need a password or need to set up an account to visit us to use the Castle. It is free to anyone and everyone. Again, I apologize for this decision, but time is just not available to keep the Castle and the webrings going, so we have decided to devote the time to the Castle and begin the webrings again, in the future, if we ever find the time to do them again.