iking or Celt, Medieval, Renaissnace, Mountain Man, Civil War, or other reenactors, or just someone who loves historical goods, the Storehouse is for you. Here you will find a vast array of merchants, tradesmen, and purveyors of all your reenactment needs. I am sure you can find what you may need, or more importantly, what you may want whether you need it or not. They are artists and craftsmen who can help you relive thoses days gone by, with their artwork, jewelry, and tailoring skills. They are the ones who help us enjoy and experience those long ago days and bring them to life for us with those sought after and longed for items that belong to another place and another time. They help make dreams and fantasy real, and make us feel that we are truly a part of those times long ago, the misty times of dreams and legends..................
Celtic, Viking, Medieval, & Renaissance:
Renaissance Magazine
The Elven Shelf
Celtic Creations
The Jelling Dragon - Viking Crafts
Medieval Clothing.com
Museum Replicas
Moonlight Mysteries
Threads of Time
deSignet International
All Things Celtic
Fionas Fineries
ChainMaille: the LORD Randolph Method
Tintagel's Gate
Renaissance Moccasins
The Celtic Croft
Crimson Gypsy Design
Heavenly Swords
Costume Holiday House
The Alchemy Gothic Web Site
Valentine Armouries
Swords and Armor
Curious Antiquities
Rampant Lion Designs
Costume Castle
Medieval Reproductions
Native Earth
Aceros de Hispania
The Leather Factory
Age of Chivalry
Unicorn Clothing
Ancient Circles - Celtic Jewelry and Ancient Symbols
Center Stage Costumes
Chainmail & More
Pendragon Costumes
Medieval Moccasins
Irish Country Gifts
Faire Pair Tights
Tall Toad
Dragonfly Design
The Blessed Bee
Pillaged Village
Gryphon's Moon
The Crafty Celts
Lundegaard Armoury
Medieval Mayhem
Kamala Perfumes
Gargoyle Store
Electric Celt
Raymond's Quiet Press
Bright Blades Virtual Armoury
Historic Enterprises
By The Sword
Crafty Renfairenuts
Sunshine Studio
Harper House Vintage Costume Patterns
Renaissance Ribbons
CAS Iberia
Underhill Pavilions
Stitches 'N Tyme
Chivalry Sports Renaissance Store
Castle Keep
Grand Illusions Clothing Company
Accurate Pewter Replicas
Blackthorn Game Center
Celtic Tunes from Ceolas
MacGregor Historic Games
Celtic WebMerchant
Seven Nations
Keltic Nations
Antler'd Stag Exotic Carving
Celtic Spirit
Fantasy Jewelry
Fashions in Time
Glamorous Medieval Clothes
Lady MacSnood
La Wren's Nest
Leather Bodicies
Renaissance Dancewear
Sodhoppers Medieval Footware
Toledo Swords
Swords and Armor
Purpleheart Armoury
Middle Ages Food & Drink
Knight Lights
Buckskinning, Native American, & Civil War:
Muzzleloader Magazine
Dixie Gun Works
Free Trapper and Montain Man Supply Links
Jim Chamber's Flintlocks
Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc.
Bradley Company of the Fox
Arrow Gift Shop
The Prairie Edge On-line Gallery
Bison Saddlery
Crazy Crow Trading Post
The Blanket Brigade
Two Bears - Leather
Contemporary Lonfrifle Association
Mercury Supply Company - Civil War Sutler
Hamilton Dry Goods
Civil War Supplies - Vendors
Fall Creek Suttlery - Civil War Supplies
James Country Mercantile
Miscellaneous Sources:
Camelot Castle
Living History Portraits
Ana's Accoutrements
Native Earth Footwear
Four Seasons Tentmasters
Past Patterns
Woodwind Instruments

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This page last updated on January 9, 2017.