Odin's Castle

      The Infirmary
      Odin's Castle

      Drop Cap Medical and Science history are her in the Infirmary. It is here that you will find the history of the quest for knowledge of our world and our universe, and the knowledge to ease human suffering. Perhaps no other room in the Castle is as dedicated to the advancement and quality of life as is the Infirmary. Here you will find the people who have made sense of our world, eased our work, enriched our play, and eased our pain and suffering. Here are the heros and heroines of Medicine and Science, the men and women who have made our lives healthier, safer, and have worked to improve its quality. They are on the forefront of the battles against disease, ignorance, and complacency. Their light is a beacon to us all that says, "be not satisfied with what you have learned today, but strive for what you may learn tomorrow." For in knowledge there is wisdom, and that wisdom can help dispell the darkness of a suffering world. Here then are those that have brought us out of darkness and pointed us toward the stars.............

      The Sciences:

      Celtic Button Internet Resources for the History of Science & Technology

      Celtic Button History of Science - Science Studies Reference Sources

      Celtic Button Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

      Celtic Button Professor Stephen Hawking

      Celtic Button Internet History of Science Sourcebook

      Celtic Button The History of Science

      Celtic Button History of Science Society

      Celtic Button A Brief History of Cosmology

      Celtic Button Museo Galileo

      Celtic Button History of Telecommunication

      Celtic Button Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology

      Celtic Button The History of Australian Science Newsletter

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      Celtic Button Map History - The History of Cartography

      Celtic Button Math Forum: Famous Problems in the History of Mathematics

      Celtic Button Online: Science and Technology

      Celtic Button The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences

      Celtic Button Archives of Women in Science and Engineering

      Celtic Button Documents in Astronomical History

      Celtic Button The University of Oxford Museum of the History of Science

      Celtic Button ASAPWeb - Australian Science Archives Project

      Celtic Button History of Chemistry

      Celtic Button 101science.com - Chemistry

      Celtic Button The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry

      Celtic Button The History of Cartography Project

      Celtic Button 4000 Years of Women in Science

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      Celtic Button PhysLINK.com - Your Guide to Physics on the Web

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      Celtic Button Einstein - Image and Impact

      Celtic Button Physics Phenomena - History of PhysicsNew

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      Celtic Button General Relativity

      Celtic Button The History of Mathematics

      Celtic Button Albert Einstein Online

      Celtic Button Jason's Web Site on Ancient Greek Science


      Celtic Button Medicina Antiqua - Ancient Medicine

      Celtic Button The History of Brain Surgery

      Celtic Button History of Biomedicine

      Celtic Button Disability and HealthNew

      Celtic Button The History of Medicine

      Celtic Button The Asclepion - The Study of Ancient Medicine

      Celtic Button Ancient Medicine: Homer, Hippocrates, Galen, and Vesalius

      Celtic Button Medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia

      Celtic Button History of Ancient Egypt Medicine

      Celtic Button From Quackery to Bacteriology: The Emergence of Modern Medicine

      Celtic Button Medieval Medical Bibliographies

      Celtic Button Images from the History of Science

      Celtic Button The Museum of the History of Science

      Celtic Button History of Health Science on the Web

      Celtic Button Florey and the Discovery of Penicillin

      Celtic Button Psychiatry and History

      Celtic Button James Cook and Lime Juice in the British Navy

      Celtic Button History of Chiropractic

      Celtic Button The Bakken Museum and Library

      Celtic Button Massage Therapy Links

      Celtic Button Louis Pasteur

      Celtic Button The History of the Electrocardiogram

      Celtic Button Accupuncture

      Celtic Button History of Classical Islamic MedicineNew

      Celtic Button Mental Health Channel

      Celtic Button The National Museum of Civil War Medicine

      Celtic Button Civil War Medicine

      Celtic Button Civil War Battlefield Medicine

      Celtic Button Herbal Medicine Research and Eduction Centre

      Celtic Button Library of Genetics

      Celtic Button The History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

      Celtic Button The Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine

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      This page last updated on January 9, 2017.