For Her Name is Love...........
Like a cool breeze on a warm summer’s day,
She refreshes me and her name is love.
Like a cool drink from a swiftly moving stream,
she quenches me and her name is love.
Like the first rays of sun in the morning,
the dew on the grass,
and the sound of doves cooing in the trees,
she comforts me and her name is love.
Like the softly falling rain on a day in spring,
she soothes me and her name is love.
Like the trees that grow in the forest,
she strengthens me and her name is love.
Like the snow falling on a winter’s day,
the stars that fill the sky,
and the the sound of the wind in the trees,
she restores me and her name is love.
Like the smile of a little child,
she warms me and her name is love.
Like the butterfly who lands gently upon the flower,
she touches me and her name is love.
Like the cry of a newborn baby,
the worn and tired hands of an old man,
and the gentle memories of days gone by,
she lifts me and her name is love.
She is all of these things and more,
so very much more.
More than the stars in the sky.
She is happiness, hope, joy, and longing,
she is passion and pleasure,
she is comfort and she is my very soul,
For her name is love.
And love's name is Lieve..........
Paul Gwynn
March 1999

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This page last updated on November 5, 1999.