et the gods, goddesses and various and sundry other creatures lead you back to the time that haunt the days and nights of our dreams. Some are legendary. Some are here just for fun. I put the Just for Fun section in because these are a few of my favorites and I hope they are yours as well. They weren't put here to detract from Traditional Mythology, but added to round out some of our other fantasies and interests. Let us proceed now, from the top of Olympus to the depths of Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory................
Bulfinch's Mythology, The Age of Fable
The Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Origins of the Days of the Week
Index of Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
Norse Mythology - Gods and Goddesses
The Muses from Greek Mythology
Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas
Timeless Myths: Norse Mythology
The Masks of Odin: Wisdom of the Ancient Norse by Elsa-Brita Titchenell
Norse Gods, Goddesses, Giants, Dwarves & Wights
Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey of Myth
Museum of Monsters, Myths, & Legends
Celtic Deities of Scotland, Wales and Britain
Japanese Folklore and Mythology
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
Hidden Ireland - A Field Guide to Irish Fairies
Irish Literature, Mythology & Folklore
Fantasy and Reality in Children's Stories
Lucky W - Charms and Talismans
Ancient History and World Mythology
The Marvels & Tales - Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies
An Exploration of Modern Monsters
Flood Stories from Around the World
Native American Totems & Their Meaning
Aeon - A Journal of Myth and Science
Mythology and Folklore Electronic Texts
Dragons in the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings Fantasy World
Chronology of the Conan Saga Stories
Robert Howard Archives, Author of Conan
Frankenstein - The Complete Text
Technology and its Dangerous Effects on Nature and Human Life....
My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Resources for the Study of Frankenstein
Frankenstein - Penetrating the Secrets of Nature
Dracula: The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Edgar Allen Poe National Historical Site
Edgar Allan Poe and His Stories
The Chronicles of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street
Tarzan Actors at Brian's Drive-In Theater
Occultopedia - Mysterious Beings and Strange Creatures
The Jersey Devil, Fact or Fiction?
The Tale of the Tasmanian Tiger
Mothman - The Enigma of Point Pleasant
Yeti: Abominable Snowman of the Himalyas
Taking a Hard Look at Cryptozoology
Bigfoot Field Researcher's Resources
Bigfoot Times, the Online Newsletter by Bigfoot Researcher Daniel Perez
The Official Loch Ness Exhibition Centre
Mystery Substance Falls from the Sky
Nessie and Other Lake Monsters
The British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club
The Worlds Strangest Lake Monsters